Discover the healing power of Reiki.

What is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese tradition that goes back about 2500 years but was forgotten about for a long time. It is the art of energy healing.

Reiki roots come from India having passed through Tibet and China to Japan where Dr Mikao Usui rediscovered it. He was a Christian headmaster and minister at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan.

Mikao Usui developed Reiki in the early 1900s, deriving the term from the Japanese word’s rei, meaning “universal,” and ki, which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Now, Reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices, to complement other forms of health treatments.

Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

What to expect during your Reiki session

A Reiki experience can be completely different for each person. Some people may have a dramatic, positive experience; for others the experience may be very subtle. Experiences range from feeling intense heat, tingling and lightness to a sense of deep peace and well-being. While it is different for each person many people describe going into a meditative state between consciousness and sleep like state, almost falling asleep, but Reiki is not a form of meditation. Often people don’t notice much the first time they try Reiki but have deeper experiences as they undergo subsequent sessions. Changes will sometimes be noticed later in the day. Recipients often report things such as feeling more at ease with life, less anxious or worried, improved digestion, and deeper sleep.


Reiki Restores Energy by releasing stress

Stress from conflicting thoughts and feelings (fear, doubt, worry, anger, anxiety) can get s in your energy system. Medical research has determined that continual stress can block the body's natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself (Reiki.Org, 2019). The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75%-95% of all visits to doctors are the results of reaction to stress (Reiki.Org, 2019). When stress is unreleased it can cause minor health issues like aches and pains to major health issues like heart disease. Reiki clears trapped energy bodies opening blocked meridians and chakras. It rebalances energy and vitality removing the emotional and physical effects of unreleased stress.

What is Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki sessions work in exactly the same way as if in the presence of the practitioner. Energy Healing is a quantum modality and can be administered at a distance. The healing frequencies consist of light and information, there is no weakening over distance and the benefits gained through distance Reiki are just as powerful.

The history of Reiki

Usui Reiki is the most common form of Reiki that people practice today. Reiki was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui who was born in Japan to a wealthy Buddhist family in 1865.

Growing up he always had an interest in medicine, psychology and theology. He wanted to find a method for healing that would be available for anyone with no ties to any religious beliefs. He studied all different types of healing systems before becoming a priest/monk living at a monastery.

Sometime during his years of training in the monastery, Dr. Usui attended his own training rediscovery course in a cave on Mount Kurama (International Association of Reiki Professionals). He meditated, prayed, and fasted for 21 days, until a life changing event happened. Usui saw the Sanskrit symbols that would help him develop a system of healing. It is also said, on the morning of the 21st day he was about to give up and leave, then a powerful spiritual energy came down into the top of his head and he became enlightened.

Usui created the first healing clinic for Reiki in Kyoto. The first school for Reiki was established in 1922. Dr. Usui trained several Reiki masters before he died. Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was one of them, who is known for creating more hand positions and improving the attunement process.

Reiki Comes to America

Dr. Hayashi trained more Reiki Masters, after improving Reiki, including Hawayo Takata a Japanese-American woman. She had received Reiki healing from Dr. Hayashi after being told she needed surgery for tumor, gallstones, and appendicitis. After receiving weekly treatments from Dr. Hayashi, her health greatly improved and she decided she needed to learn Reiki. After Takata learned Reiki, she brought it back with her to the United States spreading it across Hawaii. Takata passed her Reiki teachings onto 22 Reki masters before her death in 1980. The 22 Reiki masters spread it throughout the west. In the 1980’s it also moved into Europe.